Highly Skilled Immigrantでオランダに来た場合の「市民化」ステップ


「市民化(Civic Integration)」というのは無理やり英語を日本語訳した感が満載の言葉ですが、Highly Skilled Immigrantでオランダに来ているからといって、無条件に将来にわたってオランダに滞在し、働くことができるというわけではありません。

Highly Skilled Immigrantは、①認証を得た特定の事業者が、②追加のコストを払ってまで EU圏外の人材をどうしてもほしいという場合に用いるビザの手段であり、つまり当該事業者がいらないよといってしまったら、このビザでオランダに来た人は直ちに普通の移民になってしまうということです。普通の移民になるということは、以下の「市民化」プログラムをクリアする必要があります(参照)。Highly Skilled Immigrantであれば以下の二つは免除:


There are two different kinds of Civic Integration requirements:

  1. Basic Civic Integration;provisional residence permit (MVV)の前提条件でオランダに来る前に終えていないといけない。highly skilled migrant (partners are also exempt)は免除。 - 参考
  2. Civic Integration according to the 2007 Civic Integration Act:Mooilandで触れているやつ。EU外から来る人は必須。highly skilled migrants and their partnersは免除 - 参考
 一方で、Highly Skilled Immigrantでオランダでの勤務を順調に続けていたとしても、unconditional right of residence in the Netherlandsになるのは別の話で、以下の三つをクリアする必要があります:
  1. Five years of living in the Netherlands, while continuously being in the possession of a valid residence permit; the current residence permit has to be for what's called a "non-temporary" purpose (so not, for instance, as a student or in conjunction with an exchange programme).
  2. Having a sufficient, stable income.
  3. Passing the "inburgeringsexamen", which you can sign up to take by using your DigiD at https://inburgeren.nl/.
Unconditional right of residence を取得すると以下の利点があります:
  1. You are allowed to work wherever you like, in employment or self-employment, or not to work if you choose not to.
  2. You are entitled to any and all forms of social assistance that Dutch nationals are entitled to.
  3. You are entitled to statutory tuition at Dutch universities, the same amount as what EU citizens pay.
  4. What’s more (at least with the newfangled LTR status), you have the right to completely move away from the Netherlands for a certain period of time (up to 12 months to a non-EU country, 6 years to an EU country) and retain an unconditional right to return and work. There are also certain, limited rights of mobility to most other EU countries attached to the LTR status.